Testimonails - What our clients have to say.

Durham University required a solution to sell raffle tickets at a cost of £1.50 by text message. Textvertising already offer a raffle service and this service was ideal for their needs.
Melanie says "Every year we have a duck race which is where 20,000 numbered rubber ducks are sent down the river between Elvet Bridge and Kings Gate in Durham. We collect revenue from sales and make a donation to local and international charities".
"This year we wanted to make the event more interactive, appeal to a younger audience and make ticket sales as easy and convenient as possible. We invited Textvertising to provide the service as each ticket is not only numbered uniquely but contained individual identifications. We were shown how this prevented any problem of message forwarding or fake tickets being generated. We were ale to match these up on Text Raffle Tickets sold through our Admin panel, and overall the service was really easy to set up and use."

Textvertising were asked to provide a charity donation service for Greggs Bakers, a popular brand found on many high streets.
The service enable Greggs to accept charity donation by SMS and and the end of the event these donations were passed on to BBC Children in Need.

Textvertising were asked to provide a solution for end users to download the popular "Harry Hastings" theme tune to their mobile phone.
Our Multimedia service was used to deliver both dynamic content and the ringtone in response to the keyword HARRY being sent to a shortcode and the content was free to receive to the end user.

North East Lincolnshire Council were looking at new ways to promote tourism and also a new way to tackle underage youngsters drinking in the street or parks.
The "Underage" service allows passers by to anonymously report offenders directly to the council allowing them to tackle the problem with co-operation from the Police.
North East Lincolnshire Council reports on their website:
".. Research in the past has suggested the long summer holiday period can see an increase in underage drinking and that the home can provide one of the biggest sources of booze for youngsters.
To help combat the problem the team is asking residents make sure access to alcohol in the homes is restricted and that they do not provide juveniles with access to drink.
They are also encouraging parents and all other residents to report the sale of alcohol to minors either by contacting Trading Standards directly or by using the team's new text message hotline system.
As part of the new text message scheme anyone can send information directly to officers simply by texting 'underage' then their message to 82055.
It is hoped members of the public will use it to inform officers of underage drinking or sales while they are taking place, providing them with up to the minute intelligence on where problem hotspots are.
This will allow Trading Standards officials to better target their patrols and sweeps to make sure they are visiting areas where under age drinking is taking place on a regular basis.. "

Experian were looking for a provider that could offer the services and security required for their text alert service.
Textvertising were visited by Experian and shown around our own secure data facility and scrutinised on data protection policies.
Their requirements included secure SSL encryption, mail merge, secure FTP and very high levels of server, firewall and data security - all of which Textvertising provide.
Steven Bibby, MD says "Textvertising provide the same level of security as standard to all our customers, no matter how big or small. Experian choosing Textvertising simply shows that our commitment to the customer is recognised by the leaders in the business"

Textvertising provide a service to Mama's and Papa's the UK's leading baby accessory store.
Adverts in publications across the country invite readers to receive a catalogue by texting BABY and a number plus their name and address to a shortcode.
Francesca said "The service works really well for us and we receive enquiries by email within a few moments of the text being sent. The number the reader includes helps us determine which advert the reader responded to and helps dramatically with managing our marketing.
The text service generates the leads for us whilst freeing up our phone lines and we now have a database of almost 9000 numbers which will be fantastic for future marketing plans."